What is beetle probing?

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What is beetle probing?

Post by MachaVillain »

I have an offer to do beetle probing for Summit this Dec/Jan. The problem is, I don't really know what this job is - I've just heard it's big money.

What does beetle probing mean?
What is the general pay like?
What are the accomodations?
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Post by RedBaron »

Hey Macha,

Beetle probing is an attempt by the government in controlling the mountain pine beetle that is spreading across Canada. They put up a bunch of beetle contracts up for tenure.

Anyways the process starts with a helicopter that flys over the infected area and looks for red pine trees. Once found they will mark the location on there GPS. The prober's job is to go to all these sites and find the red trees by foot, once found you will mark the spot with your GPS, plot down a couple notes and then the fun starts as you search for any currently infected green trees that contain live beetles. You will probably be walking in snow and if its deep you will have snow shoes on, the job intales allot of walking in mature timber in remote locations. Normally you do it in groups of 3 with 1 lead prober that writes all the info down while the other two do a 50 meter scan.

That method is called star probing and is in my opinion the most effective method used. They may have you walk in long lines and do a grid like search but this is not as common.

Anyways make sure you have the right gear for the job especially if your doing a hellie show as you never no when the weather may turn and you get stuck out there to fend for your self. Have Warm boots, breathable clothing suited for your conditions. Your employer should supply you with a survival kit.

Pay varies but is good,. Expect 200 a day for a regular prober and 250 for a head prober. Not sure what summit is paying but I presume they would be competitive in the market. Let us know if you end up working for them.

You wont be tenting, it will be most likely a hotel show possible a logging camp.
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