
These pictures were taken in July, while we were working for Millar Western Forest Products in Whitecourt, Alberta.

Nick, working on one of the bear fences.

A different Nick, with Marissa.

One of our helicopters, with a sling load of trees.

Walking out of one of the Millar Western fill blocks.


Transmission towers in the Meekwap, extremely early in the morning.

I got 99 problems but a hitch ain't one.

Zach, bagging up.

One of our blocks, photographed from the air.

This is very out-of-focus compared to most of the photos that I put online, but it's one of the only photos that I've ever taken of a grey wolf.

Victoria & Sarah.

An elevated cache on one of the blocks.

Kerry, walking into one of the blocks in Swan River.

Sarah, from Apex.

Tiffany, working on a cache. Tiffany, why does your quad look so short?

Under the helicopter.

This is my hourly "Statue of Liberty" pose, trying to get texts in and out on the cell phone. As usual, I'm standing on the roof of my truck.

Looks like this truck won't be very useful anymore.

Jamie, fixing break-away chains on one of the trailers that got impounded at the scales.

A smoky sunset.

Zach, Kurtis, and Ryan, waiting for a helicopter.

Mathilde sent the whole camp a massive care package. So awesome. And this is the note that was in it.

I'm not sure why those twigs were under the tire.

Looks like this block won't be quad accessible.


A helicopter on one of the lease sites.

Jim Logan. One of his classic poses: "What can I think of to torture Scooter?"

Arriving at a block.

Red sky at night, planters' delight. This is the sky over the Fox Creek camp, at about 11pm.

Zach, hooking up a sling load of trees.

Purple flowers.

Scooter, watering trees in the morning.

Emily, Jess, Haley, & Kiah.

Keeping track of helicopter sling locations throughout the day, by marking on my arm. It's easier to misplace a piece of paper than it is to misplace your left arm.

Our little yellow helicopter. A Huey 500.

Nick, helping move some stuff around.

Being a supervisor means that I have to know how to do about two thousand little things, many of which seem completely unrelated to planting trees. When something breaks three hours from town, we often have to figure out how to fix it ourselves. I'm doing some laptop repairs here.

Again, my apologies for the blurriness, but this is a coyote.

And here's Paddy.

An elevated cache, built to shade some boxes of seedlings.

Time for a pre-work meeting on the block.

A full moon, photographed through one of the satellite internet dishes at night.


Paddy, doing some shade tent modelling for us.

Jordan Tesluk, during a PIR Safety Audit.

Steve, hooking up a sling.

Andrea in the front seat of the helicopter.

Lyle, hooking up eight empty slings to the carousel.

Orrin & Graeme.


Some of the nodwells.


Sunset at night.