
Some of the videos featured here are for training & reference purposes, but a few are just for fun.

Tree Planter Training Series

To see the most recent editions of the twenty videos in our Tree Planter Training series (the 2019 editions), visit

Watch a Box of Trees Being Planted

Alberta Burns - Fast ground in Alberta, no commentary, higher quality video than the others.
Slow Box - Planting on a woodlot in British Columbia, understory, narrative commentary added.
Fast Box - Planting on a fast oil lease in Alberta, not much commentary.
Bareroot Cottonwoods - Planting bareroots on an experimental farm project.

Treeplanting United Film Festival

The Treeplanting United Film Festival (TUFF) is a project which is now starting to release annual videos.
TUFF 2021 - "Cultivating Voices"

Equipment and Maintenance

The "D" Trowel - Check out this new idea for a minature shovel, starting with a history of planting tools.
Fuels - Gasoline vs Diesel - The differences in the fuels, and a breakdown of which types of engines require which fuels.
Lasquetti Daughters - Have you ever wondered what accommodations were like on a barge?
Creek Crossing - How to build a simple stream crossing.
Break & Enter - How to break into a locked truck.
Anti-Theft Club - How to use an anti-theft device to protect your vehicle.
Changing Tires - How to change a flat tire on your vehicle.
VHF Radios - How to use a VHF radio, and more importantly, how to use the squelch knob properly.
Rain Gear - The importance of good rain gear for planters.
Day Bag - What to look for in a day-bag to take to the block.

Videos for Experienced Planters

Creating GeoReferenced Images - Use open-source QGIS software to create georeferenced maps/images.
Planting Fertilizer Packs - Again, this is mostly a coastal or southern Interior requirement.


How to Heli-Pack Garbage Boxes - There's a way to do it properly and efficiently.
Excavator Mounder - Watch an excavator making mounds.
Slash-Pile Burning - Have you ever wondered how the slash piles get eliminated?
The Nursery "Lift" - This video shows the process of lifting and packaging seedlings into boxes.
Ride On Rooster - Some of Scooter's coastal planting footage from 2012.
King of Spades - A documentary by Pat Wiggin and Peter Houston.
Washouts in Alberta - This video should help you realize that water can actually be pretty dangerous.
Tree Planting Supervisor - A day in the life of a tree planting supervisor.
Aerial Footage - Commuting to work in a helicopter.
Disc Trencher - Disc trenching skidder in action.
Muddy Scooter - People who haven't worked in the mud fields of Alberta just won't get it.
Camp Reefer Unloading - A time-lapse showing the unloading of a camp reefer.
Tree Runner Misery - Ten minutes in the life of a tree runner, faced with a challenging block.
KKRF Coastal - Some coastal planting footage from King Kong Reforestation.

Historical Footage

Do It With Joy - Tree planting with the Brinkmans in the 1970's.
78 Days - Planting with Wildwoods, northern Alberta in 2000's.
Cache 22 - Planting with Zanzibar in the 1990's.
How Trees Talk To Each Other - TED Talk.
World's Toughest Jobs - BBC documentary.
So You Want To Go Tree Planting - A great analysis of tree planting culture.

Replant's Annual "Summer Planting Memories" Videos

2015 Memories - Backing Audio: "Gravediggerz" by Lars Zergun (based on a bed track by Tom Fire).
2014 Memories - Backing Audio: "Time To Plant Some Trees" by Scooter (with Jasmin Frederickson singing).
2013 Memories - Backing Audio: "The Tree Planting Song" by John Fairman.
2012 Memories - Backing Audio: "New Shoes" by Dave Bitner.
2011 Memories - Backing Audio: "Planter For Life After Four Years" by Bad Uncle (Santosh Lalonde).
2010 Memories - Backing Audio: "Pounder Mix" by King Kong Reforestation.
2009 Memories - Backing Audio: "El Plantador" by Baba Brinkman.
2008 Memories - Backing Audio: "At Least One Song" by Mike Allison.
2007 Memories - Backing Audio: "When I Grow Old" by Scooter (with Mike Allison singing).
2006 Memories - Backing Audio: "Some Place I've Never Been" by Mike Allison.
2005 Memories - Backing Audio: "Leavin' In The Morning" by Mike Allison.
2004 Memories - Backing Audio: "Holly Would" by Mike Allison.
2003 Memories - Backing Audio: "Take A Solo" by Mike Allison.
2002 Memories - Backing Audio: "Save My Soul" by Mike Allison.
2001 Memories - Backing Audio: "Welcome To Tree Planting 2012" by King Kong Reforestation.

I stopped producing the annual Summer Memories videos after 2015 due to time contraints during the season, and insufficient time available for filming.